I'm a full-stack web developer, and this is my blog. Please connect with me on LinkedIn or visit my Github for more! Also, you may be interested in learning more about me.


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  • Game Off Results

    2048 Invaders got 190th out of over 600 entries in the Github Game Off. This is far better than I expected for a silly Javascript game, my first game ever. I’m thrilled :)

  • Hello, Electron

    I mentioned that I wanted to experiment with packaging 2048-invaders as an Electron app to see if it improved performance. Turns out, Electron is easy (and awesome)!

    There are a ton of very opinionated templates out there to turn a Phaser game into an Electron app. I experimented with a few of them, but they all did more than I needed and seemed to require far more configuration than I wanted to deal with. It’s just a silly space shooter!

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  • Hello, world

    First post, first time using Jekyll!

    I’m really liking it so far. It feels a lot like building a website in the “old days”–the real old days of just HTML. You just write a thing, and poof, it appears.

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