3 Ways for Freelance Writers to Beat the Recession

We are in a recession. Just received word that yet another magazine (Country Home) has folded, costing up to 40 people their jobs, and that Cobblestone Publishing is having trouble paying their writers who’ve already sold stories. Yikes. The economic climate hasn’t begun to affect me in ways this severe yet, but believe me, here … Continue Reading

Why I love editors

The two pieces of mine [1], [2] that appeared in the most recent Sunday Source would not be as good as they are if not for the amazing editors and copy editors at the Post.

Covering the Financial Crisis updated

Just a quick note to say that Covering the Financial Crisis has been updated with my notes from the first session. I still have some notes to add on another seminar, but hopefully this post is becoming more useful by the minute. No, the second. Maybe even the nanosecond, that’s how awesome it is.

How do you make business writing interesting?

I am of the opinion that no writing topic is inherently boring. Yet there seems to be a lot of boring, boring business writing. Which stockbroker has been hired where? That’s only relevant to me if I have tons of investments (hint: I don’t).

Quick and dirty guide to WordPress SEO: Learn along with me!

If someone’s looking for a freelance writer in my area, they’ll have to go to the fourth page of results before finding me. Page 4 out of however many freelance writers isn’t bad, but I’d like to be higher up (so does everyone, right?). So, I may have a long way to go, but here’s what I’ve learned so far. I figure if a novice like me can get even some results with just a week’s worth of tinkering, anyone can do this stuff.

Some seriously historical journalism

The Onion’s cover was pretty impressive today:  But even more impressive? Open the paper–the WHOLE THING, not including the AV Club, is in this style. I can’t decide if the Burger King (well, the “King of Broil’d Meats”) and the “Jameson’s Miracle Concoction” ads are real, but as far as I can tell, there are … Continue Reading


It’s days like today (well, yesterday, but I saw the paper today) that make me really want to be a copy editor at the New York Post. This may be the greatest headline I have ever seen.